Monday, February 16, 2009

The length of the Cunningham Fellowship

Subject: Re: [MLAICS-L] The length of the Cunningham Fellowship
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:26:34 -0500
From: Zana Etter
Reply-To: Zana Etter
References: <>

I agree with Donna that the Cunningham fellow needs to be here longer to really achieve the goals of this program, and it would be a good idea if we could continue to offer one or two short term visits in addition to a longer I recall at the meeting in Philadelphia, someone (Carla Funk perhaps?) mentioned the problem of obtaining visas for longer stays, as well as the hardship a long stay might cause for those leaving family and jobs. Maybe this issue needs to be "revisited" with someone at MLA or can be discussed at the section meeting in Hawaii? Zana Etter

The length of the Cunningham Fellowship

Subject: Re: [MLAICS-L] The length of the Cunningham Fellowship
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 12:44:37 +0000

I support Donna's proposal.
Although I have not experienced the Cunningham Fellowship scheme myself I have
travelled abroad for varying periods of time in different climates and time zones. I
am well aware of the need to allow time to a) overcome travel fatigue b)orient
myself to a different culture and time zone c)begin to take in and assimilate new
experiences and knowledge in a short space of time.
The MLA conference alone requires concentrated attention and energy.

I would urge a return to a more extended stay for at least one Cunningham Fellow per
At the same time occasional Fellowships for a shorter stay confined to a specific
objective might be possible?? Did we not discuss this in 2007?

Best wishes to all


The length of the Cunningham Fellowship

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [MLAICS-L] The length of the Cunningham Fellowship
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 08:28:35 -0500
From: Donna Flake
Reply-To: Donna Flake

Dear ICS Members,

I think the Cunningham Fellowship period should be lengthened to 4 months again. Currently MLA has 2 Cunningham Fellows and they are each in the US for 3 weeks, and one week is MLA week. This is much too short a period for the Cunningham Fellow to get accustomed to our culture, much less learn the many library functions which is the goal of the Cunningham Fellowship.

I have had lot of experience with the Cunningham Fellows, having hosted at least 6 of them, been on the itinerary committee multiple times, and chaired the Cunningham Taskforce in 1999 and 2000. From discussions with former Cunningham Fellows, the current practice of a 3 or 4 week stay is not enough time.

I know at our ICS Business meeting in Philadelphia in 2007, we had a lively discussion about this. According to our minutes of this meeting "Carla Funk noted the fellowship will continue with the current three week stay for one more year before a decision could be reached to change the duration of the fellowship."

What do other ICS members think?

Donna Flake, Library Director
Robert M. Fales Health Sciences Library
SEAHEC / South East Area Health Education Center
2131 South 17th Street / PO Box 9025
Wilmington, NC 28402-9025
Phone: (910) 343-2180 Fax: (910) 762-7600

The length of the Cunningham Fellowship

Subject:     Re: [MLAICS-L] The length of the Cunningham Fellowship'
Date:     Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:48:50 -0400
From:     Reis, Tovah
Reply-To:     Reis, Tovah
References:     A <> <> <>

Dear ICS members,
Since I am a member of the Section, I have seen all the messages, and
will bring the issue of the Cunningham Fellowship to the September Board

In one or two of the messages, it was mentioned that there was a
discussion about the Cunningham Fellowship at the business meeeting in
Phila.  Are there minutes already from the meeting, or can someone send
me a summary?  Sorry I could not be at the meeting.
Regarding Mindy's suggestion of increasing sections membership - just to
let you all know that Section Council has an Task Froce this year
looking at membership issues.

Thank you all for your feedback and comments. - Tovah

Tovah Reis
Chair, Section Council

The length of the Cunningham Fellowship

Subject:     Re: [MLAICS-L] The length of the Cunningham Fellowship'
Date:     Tue, 24 Jul 2007 09:23:49 -0400
From:     Jill Mayer
Reply-To:     Jill Mayer
References:     A <> <>

Tovah, I certainly agree with everyone that this issue needs to be taken to the Board.   I support returning to a 3 month fellowship. Jill

The length of the Cunningham Fellowship

Subject:     [MLAICS-L] The length of the Cunningham Fellowship'
Date:     Tue, 24 Jul 2007 08:56:16 -0400
From:     Donna Flake
Reply-To:     Donna Flake
References:     A <>

I strongly support having the length of the fellowship be at least 3
months.  A three week Fellowship hardly allows one to get used to the
new country.  I tried to arrange for one of this year's Cunningham
Fellows to come here to Wilmington, NC, but because it could not be
coordinated  in advance (this was not part of the official fellowship,)
I was unable to arrange it.  With advanced planning, I would have hosted
with eagerness.

We are diminishing the success, and the learning experience of the
Cunningham Fellowship by having it be such a short period of time.  I
have personally hosted about 6 Cunningham Fellows and asked many of them
about this change to 3 weeks when the change was made, and all said it
would have lessened their learning experience.  Many told me that the
Cunningham Fellowship provided  a very high knowledge level  in medical
librarianship that sustained them greatly in their careers.
Donna Flake
-----Original Message-----
From: MLA International Cooperation Section
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 8:29 AM
Subject: [MLAICS-L] [Fwd: RE: [MLAICS-L] [Fwd: [mla-section] MLA:
Section Council - ACTION]]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     RE: [MLAICS-L] [Fwd: [mla-section] MLA: Section Council
Date:     Mon, 23 Jul 2007 14:30:27 -0400
From:     Tylman, Vislava
To:     Jie

Hi Jie,
Yes, very much so. It seems to me that the 3-month  fellowship was
perfect (I remember when it was longer). In addition to the time for
learning, how many fellows and/or their institution are ready to pay
airfare and other travel expenses (visa, etc.) for a 3-weeks visit?
Thanks Jie for the reminder,

Cunningham fellow

Subject:     Re: [MLAICS-L] Cunningham fellow
Date:     Sat, 29 Oct 2005 16:29:29 +0500
From:     azra.qureshi
Reply-To:     azra.qureshi

Thank you for bringing this point up in discussion. As a developing
country librarian my understanding of this particular award has always
been for developing or Third World Librarian. That is why it was named
Cunningham Award. 
The lady Eileen Cunningham had great professional contribution to less
developed world.  In 1959-60 she established JPMC (Jinnah Postgraduate
Medical Center) library in Karachi, Pakistan. JPMC library was
considered the best in the country as it used to subscribe some 250
medical journals in those days. It is unable to subscribe even 20 today.

I fully support the view of Mr. Rhine that these librarians are most in
need of such training and updating opportunities.  At least one award
could be spared just for them.  Even the misunderstanding in the
statement "librarians outside US and Canada" may be removed by saying
"librarians from developing countries". Thank you.

Azra Qureshi
Librarian, Aga Khan University
Karachi, Pakistan
-----Original Message-----
From: MLA International Cooperation Section
[mailto:MLAICS-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU] On Behalf Of Tom Williams
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: [MLAICS-L] Cunningham fellow

I strongly support Lenny's point that we should give priority to lesser or underdeveloped countries.  These people are far less likely to find the financing in their countries for such an endeavor.


Cunningham fellow

Subject:     Re: [MLAICS-L] Cunningham fellow
Date:     Fri, 28 Oct 2005 15:08:52 +0100
From:     Madge, Bruce
Reply-To:     Bruce.Madge@BMA.ORG.UK

Although my comment was somewhat tongue in cheek... it does raise the question of wording on the Cunningham Fellowship application form. It may be that we would prefer to give the funding to librarians from less developed countries but that does need to be made more obvious if this is what MLAICS feels?

I seem to remember similar discussions about the Sister Library initiative where I believe we used the World Bank's definition of less developed conutries as one of the criteria.

If I am correct the Leslie Morton Bursary Fund will also enable librarians from developed countries to attend conferences (and maybe visit libraries) on am annual basis

I also feel that a trip to NLM would be essential as it is probably the one library that every medical librarian from anywhere in the World has heard about?


Bruce Madge
Sub Librarian
The Library
British Medical Association
Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9JP
tel: (+44) 207 383 6184
fax: (+44) 207 388 2544
mobile 07717537136

Cunningham fellow

Subject:     Re: [MLAICS-L] Cunningham fellow
Date:     Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:00:21 -0400
From:     Lacroix, Eve-Marie (NIH/NLM)
Reply-To:     Lacroix, Eve-Marie (NIH/NLM)

All - I'll comment from a very parochial interest.  Most Cunningham Fellows
have appreciated the opportunity to spend time at NLM, and I'm wondering
how that would fit in to a shortened stay in the US.  If there were more
than one CF, we at NLM would probably want them to visit NLM at the same
time because of the commitment on our part.  While I think the shortened time is a good idea for the reasons
originally given, I would support the view that the CF visit at least 3
libraries of different types.
 Any comments on the NLM visit? Eve-Marie

Eve-Marie Lacroix
Chief, Public Services Division
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894

Cunningham fellow

Subject:     [MLAICS-L] Cunningham fellow
Date:     Fri, 28 Oct 2005 09:42:46 -0400
From:     Lenny Rhine
Reply-To:     Lenny Rhine

Hello everyone,

I've read everyone's replies and here is my 2 cents.  I agree with the consensus about the shorter stays and possibly two or three fellows per year. 
My recommendation is that each individual spend between 2-3 weeks in one institution.  From my interaction with various fellows, this is a better experience than being shifted around to several sites week by week.  This would mean attending MLA and visiting one site for a month long visit or MLA and two sites for a two month visit.

I understand Bruce's support for potential fellows from industrialized countries but would suggest a priority be given to individuals from lesser developed environments.  My justification for this is that these are the applicants who are in most need of the training and often don't have the options locally.  This has become critical in the electronic age.  Via the Internet and other IT applications, those in developing countries have the potential to bridge the digital divide and access vital health information.

I realize this might be opening a can of worms but perhaps this is a good time for some discussion. 
The fact sheet currently says: 
"The purpose of the Cunningham fellowship is to assist in the education and training of health science librarians from countries outside the United States and Canada."


Cunningham fellowship changes?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     [MLAICS-L] Cunningham fellowship changes?
Date:     Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:50:01 +0200
From:     Lise Nørregaard Christensen / Aalborg Sygehus
Reply-To:     Lise Nørregaard Christensen / Aalborg Sygehus

As a former Cunningham Fellow (1984/85) I have also been considering to comment on these changes.

The positive side of it is that more people could benefit.

But I totally agree with Ursula Poland that it would be hard to adjust to the US environment (even for people coming from "Western" countries) in such a short time.

The short fellowship would be of value only to persons who knew beforehand that they wanted to study *one *specific procedure or wanted to visit *one *specific library.

Otherwise the experience would be very superficial.

Getting an impression of medical librarianship in several types of libraries, the differences East-coast/West-coast, the number of personal contacts for forming future networks etc.etc. would be very limited.

As to the stories about former CFs who preferred to spend their time on shopping or complained of "seeing the same things in all libraries" can (and should) be avoided by better planning - and adjusting plans en route - by hosts in collaboration with the fellow.

The fellowship is 3 months at present. That should be sufficient to get some in-depth experience if you don't visit too many places.

The problems for the CF getting leave of abscence should be solvable. One must expect that the applicant is willling to find ways to manage this problem in order to get the chance of learning so much that can be of value to their library and their personal career.

The MLA Annual meeting can be a very overwhelming experience, especially, I imagine, if you have only stayed in the US for 1 month.

Many of the CF-applicants (especially from the 3rd world) may also be interested in getting inspiration and good ideas in some of the more "humble" medical libraries and they will not be so interested in the "high-tech" and very sofisticated papers at the annual meeting if they have only been in the country for 1 month.

I have often expressed how grateful I am that I had the wonderful experience to be a CF.

For 6 months I had a variety of impressions, the possiblity to work in and to see so many different types of libraries. The many interesting people I met, the opportunity to get to know some of the best of American culture. This fellowship truly gave me a much more nuanced impression of the United States and I have tried to work as an "ambassador" for MLA in the Scandinavian and European setting. And I learned so much that I have been able to use in my "own" library.

There are several shorter fellowships and possibilities for exchange via Sister-libraries.

But The Cunningham Fellowship is such an outstanding and very special experience and I would deeply regret if other librarians from abroad would not have an opportunity to benefit from it.

Lise N. Christensen

Medical Library

Aalborg Hospital

DK-9000 Aalborg


tel. +45 99323405


Changes for the Cunningham

Subject:     Re: [MLAICS-L] Changes for the Cunningham
Date:     Wed, 26 Oct 2005 10:34:19 -0600
From:     Rick B. Forsman
Reply-To:     Rick.Forsman@UCHSC.EDU


I also would favor this change.  Besides avoiding the difficulty in
securing a leave of 3 months, moving to a shorter experience would allow
MLA to benefit and have interaction with more individuals and countries.
Do you know if they are considering having all visits of one set
duration or whether the applicant can request a particular amount of
time based on the objectives the person wishes to achieve?  I can see
going with the first approach for simplicity, yet the length of the
experience does need to follow from the intended outcomes.


Rick Forsman
Denison Memorial Library
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
4200 E. Ninth Avenue
Denver, CO  80262-0003

voice:  303.315.5127       fax:  303.315.0932

Length of Cunningham Fellowship

Subject: SV: [MLAICS-L] Cunningham Fellowship
Date:     Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:13:39 -0500

Dear ICS, As a former Cunningham Fellow (1984/85) perhaps I should share my experiences.
I was on a very limited budget - $500/month - to cover all expenses (food, transportation and accommodation) and I was extremely grateful that some hosts offered me to stay in their private homes. But other host-libraries had found cheaper alternatives to hotels which was also a fine solution.
In my opinion the fellowship should not be dependent on whether people can offer the CF private accommodation or not.
Anyway, it is not nice for the CF to feel like "sponging" on people's hospitality. The best solution for the CF will also depend on individual and cultural background (as some of you have pointed out).

I had a very fine mix during my 6 months' fellowship and I would not have missed ANY of the places I stayed. But I could not have afforded to stay in hotels. In Cleveland I stayed at a dormitory for nurses where I had my own room and access to cooking facilities. And the place was within walking distance from "Little Italy" with the possibility to do some shopping.
In other places I rented a room from some retired employees. In Boston I stayed at a "Y" which was a fine experience and I have stayed there several times later when I have been visiting the USA. This is a place where you meet "real Americans" compared to many hotels.

In all host-libraries I was met by wonderful hospitality and many people asked me home for dinner, picnics etc. This all gave me a fantastic experience of the United States that you don't get as a tourist.

I have made friends that I have seen quite frequently during the years in the US or in Denmark and thanks to e-mail it is much easier to stay in touch nowadays.

Writing this make happy memories come back to me and once again I want to thank for a wonderful experience as a Cunningham Fellow - professionally as well as personally.

Our library has just moved to a new building "The House of Research" next to the hospital. Inspiration from MLA is still influential on our planning of the hybrid library: the "virtual library" and the library as "a place". The library world never stops changing - that's why it remains such an interesting place to work!

With all my best wishes and thanks to people who are involved in making Eileen Cunningham's ideas make an impact on medical librarianship in many parts of the world.

Gratefully yours,

Lise N. Christensen
Medical Library
Aalborg Hospital
DK-9000 Aalborg
tel.: +45 9932 3405

Advice and such for sources for African health care professionals/students

Written by Flahiff, Janice [Janice.Flahiff@UTOLEDO.EDU]

Hello all,

Upcoming travel plans seem to be firming up for a 3 week stay in Liberia (this May!) focusing on service projects.
I will be traveling with the Friends of Liberia, spending a week each at 2 hospitals up country with
the Health/Medical contingent. My colleagues are mostly health care professionals (nurses and
a psychologist).

Neither hospital is connected with the HINARI program, and it is not feasible to introduce HINARI at this time.
However, both hospitals do have Internet connections (when there is sufficient electricity!).

I am in the process of collecting free relevant Web sites. One of the coordinators of our group
is in contact with the hospital directors at both sites. She said both hospital directors see this
project of gathering Web sites along with a short workshop on finding good health information
on the Internet to be of value to them. The coordinator (a nurse) and I have agreed that de.lic.ious
is the way to go.(We are both familiar with it). The Web site or sites will be something to leave them with,
and it opens the way for future collaboration, albeit long distance.

The site is at (and will be modified for the Zorzor hospital)
Presently have 60 bookmarks, aiming for about 100.

The Ganta Hospital focus will be nursing students and their instructors. There is a great need for the basics (how to monitor blood pressure,
identity heart and bowel sounds, develop DDx, judicious use of antibiotics, post surgery infection prevention.

The Zorzor Hospital focus will be midwifery (students and their instructors).

Sound and video sites are OK, but I need to augment with text/minimal images because bandwidth and electricity
are not optimal at times.

So far I have started "harvesting" from at least some of the following (and a big thank you to HINARI for including many of these in one
of their modules)
*Source Bibliographic Database: International Health and Disabilityh (
*Karolinska pages on Diseases, Nursing, etc [this is great!]
*CDC pages
*considering National Guideline Clearinghouse
*NN/NLM nursing resource page
*Martindale's Health Science Guide (great resource for nursing related videos)
* (found some fairly decent blood pressure monitoring guides for students)
*Medical (starting to go through this)
*TRIP database (thinking about this)
*PubMedCentral (for the instructors)
*mining WWW for free African-centered journals

At this point, I wonder if I am reinventing the wheel.
If any of you have the time and advice in sources to mine for the de.lic.ious site, it would be greatly appreciated.

I am very appreciative of the newsletter. That is how I found out about HINARI.

Thank you in advance for "listening"