Subject: [MLAICS-L] The length of the Cunningham Fellowship'
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 08:56:16 -0400
From: Donna Flake
Reply-To: Donna Flake
<>I strongly support having the length of the fellowship be at least 3
months. A three week Fellowship hardly allows one to get used to the
new country. I tried to arrange for one of this year's Cunningham
Fellows to come here to Wilmington, NC, but because it could not be
coordinated in advance (this was not part of the official fellowship,)
I was unable to arrange it. With advanced planning, I would have hosted
with eagerness.
We are diminishing the success, and the learning experience of the
Cunningham Fellowship by having it be such a short period of time. I
have personally hosted about 6 Cunningham Fellows and asked many of them
about this change to 3 weeks when the change was made, and all said it
would have lessened their learning experience. Many told me that the
Cunningham Fellowship provided a very high knowledge level in medical
librarianship that sustained them greatly in their careers.
Donna Flake
-----Original Message-----
From: MLA International Cooperation Section
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 8:29 AM
MLAICS-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDUSubject: [MLAICS-L] [Fwd: RE: [MLAICS-L] [Fwd: [mla-section] MLA:
Section Council - ACTION]]
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [MLAICS-L] [Fwd: [mla-section] MLA: Section Council
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 14:30:27 -0400
From: Tylman, Vislava
To: Jie
Hi Jie,
Yes, very much so. It seems to me that the 3-month fellowship was
perfect (I remember when it was longer). In addition to the time for
learning, how many fellows and/or their institution are ready to pay
airfare and other travel expenses (visa, etc.) for a 3-weeks visit?
Thanks Jie for the reminder,