Monday, February 16, 2009

Length of Cunningham Fellowship

Subject: SV: [MLAICS-L] Cunningham Fellowship
Date:     Fri, 16 Sep 2005 10:13:39 -0500

Dear ICS, As a former Cunningham Fellow (1984/85) perhaps I should share my experiences.
I was on a very limited budget - $500/month - to cover all expenses (food, transportation and accommodation) and I was extremely grateful that some hosts offered me to stay in their private homes. But other host-libraries had found cheaper alternatives to hotels which was also a fine solution.
In my opinion the fellowship should not be dependent on whether people can offer the CF private accommodation or not.
Anyway, it is not nice for the CF to feel like "sponging" on people's hospitality. The best solution for the CF will also depend on individual and cultural background (as some of you have pointed out).

I had a very fine mix during my 6 months' fellowship and I would not have missed ANY of the places I stayed. But I could not have afforded to stay in hotels. In Cleveland I stayed at a dormitory for nurses where I had my own room and access to cooking facilities. And the place was within walking distance from "Little Italy" with the possibility to do some shopping.
In other places I rented a room from some retired employees. In Boston I stayed at a "Y" which was a fine experience and I have stayed there several times later when I have been visiting the USA. This is a place where you meet "real Americans" compared to many hotels.

In all host-libraries I was met by wonderful hospitality and many people asked me home for dinner, picnics etc. This all gave me a fantastic experience of the United States that you don't get as a tourist.

I have made friends that I have seen quite frequently during the years in the US or in Denmark and thanks to e-mail it is much easier to stay in touch nowadays.

Writing this make happy memories come back to me and once again I want to thank for a wonderful experience as a Cunningham Fellow - professionally as well as personally.

Our library has just moved to a new building "The House of Research" next to the hospital. Inspiration from MLA is still influential on our planning of the hybrid library: the "virtual library" and the library as "a place". The library world never stops changing - that's why it remains such an interesting place to work!

With all my best wishes and thanks to people who are involved in making Eileen Cunningham's ideas make an impact on medical librarianship in many parts of the world.

Gratefully yours,

Lise N. Christensen
Medical Library
Aalborg Hospital
DK-9000 Aalborg
tel.: +45 9932 3405

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